home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- # These three strings specify the exact spelling of the
- # modifiers used in the menu strings. They must match
- # exactly including case.
- /StringMgrAttachment/ModifierNames/Control "Ctrl"
- /StringMgrAttachment/ModifierNames/Shift "Shift"
- /StringMgrAttachment/ModifierNames/Alt "Alt"
- /StringMgrAttachment/ModifierNames/Del "Del"
- /StringMgrAttachment/ModifierNames/Space "Space"
- /StringMgrAttachment/ModifierNames/F1 "F1"
- /StringMgrAttachment/ModifierNames/F2 "F2"
- /StringMgrAttachment/ModifierNames/F3 "F3"
- /StringMgrAttachment/ModifierNames/F4 "F4"
- /StringMgrAttachment/ModifierNames/F5 "F5"
- /StringMgrAttachment/ModifierNames/F6 "F6"
- /StringMgrAttachment/ModifierNames/F7 "F7"
- /StringMgrAttachment/ModifierNames/F8 "F8"
- /StringMgrAttachment/ModifierNames/F9 "F9"
- /StringMgrAttachment/ModifierNames/F10 "F10"
- /StringMgrAttachment/ModifierNames/F11 "F11"
- /StringMgrAttachment/ModifierNames/F12 "F12"
- /File "&File"
- /File/New "&New Project\aCtrl+N"
- /File/Open "&Open Project...\aCtrl+O"
- /File/CloseProject "Close &Project\aShift+Ctrl+W"
- /File/Close "&Close\aCtrl+W"
- /File/Save "&Save\aCtrl+S"
- /File/SaveAs "Save &As...\aShift+Ctrl+S"
- /File/NewFolder "New &Folder\aShift+Ctrl+N"
- /File/Import "&Import as Asset...\aCtrl+I"
- /File/ImportMenu "Import as &Menu...\aShift+Ctrl+I"
- /File/ReplaceAsset "R&eplace Asset...\aCtrl+H"
- /File/LocateAsset "&Locate Asset...\aShift+Ctrl+H"
- /File/LealizeStillAsset "Scale and S&wap Asset"
- /File/Transcode "&Transcode"
- /File/Transcode/TranscodeSettings "Transcode &Settings"
- /File/Transcode/TranscodeSettings/Dont "Don't Transcode"
- /File/Transcode/TranscodeSettings/Auto "Automatic"
- /File/Transcode/TranscodeNow "Transcode &Now"
- /File/Transcode/RevertToOriginal "&Revert to Original"
- /File/Transcode/EditPresets "&Edit Project Transcode Presets..."
- /File/AddDVDROMContent "Select &DVD-ROM Folder..."
- /File/StartAction "Set as First Pla&y"
- /File/ClearStartAction "Clear First Pla&y" # not in the file menu, but used in a contextual menu.
- /File/Simulate "Pre&view\aAlt+Ctrl+Space"
- /File/RenderMotionMenus "&Render Motion Menus"
- /File/CreateDVD "&Build DVD"
- /File/CreateDVD/MakeDVDDisc "Make DVD &Disc..."
- /File/CreateDVD/MakeDVDFolder "Make DVD &Folder..."
- /File/CreateDVD/MakeDVDImage "Make DVD &Image..."
- /File/CreateDVD/MakeDVDMaster "Make DVD &Master..."
- /File/CreateDVD/RestoreDVDMaster "&Restore DVD Master..."
- /File/Exit "E&xit\aCtrl+Q"
- # really a dialog string
- /File/RenderMotionMenus/progress/title "Render Motion Menus"
- /File/RenderMotionMenus/progress/message "Rendering All Motion Menus"
- /File/RenderMotionMenus/progress/condition "Preview when complete"
- /Edit "&Edit"
- /Edit/Undo "&Undo\aCtrl+Z"
- /Edit/Redo "&Redo\aShift+Ctrl+Z"
- /Edit/History "&History"
- /Edit/Cut "Cu&t\aCtrl+X"
- /Edit/Copy "&Copy\aCtrl+C"
- /Edit/Paste "&Paste\aCtrl+V"
- /Edit/Duplicate "&Duplicate\aCtrl+D"
- /Edit/PasteSub "Paste as Su&bpicture\aShift+Ctrl+V"
- /Edit/Rename "Re&name...\aShift+Ctrl+R"
- /Edit/Delete "C&lear\aDel"
- /Edit/EditOriginal "Edit &Original\aCtrl+E"
- /Edit/SelectAll "Select &All\aCtrl+A"
- /Edit/DeselectAll "D&eselect All\aShift+Ctrl+A"
- /Edit/LinkCheck "Check Lin&ks...\aShift+Ctrl+L"
- /Edit/ColorSet "Color &Sets"
- /Edit/ColorSet/ColorSetMenu "&Menu..."
- /Edit/ColorSet/ColorSetTimeline "&Timeline..."
- /Edit/Preferences "Pre&ferences"
- /Edit/Preferences/General "&General...\aCtrl+K"
- /Edit/Preferences/Subtitles "&Subtitles..."
- /Edit/Preferences/Menus "&Menus..."
- /Edit/Preferences/Timelines "&Timelines..."
- /Edit/Preferences/Simulation "Pre&view..."
- /Edit/Preferences/Encoding "&Encoding..."
- /Edit/Preferences/Mastering "M&astering..."
- /Object "&Object"
- /Object/ConvertToButton "&Convert to Button\aCtrl+B"
- /Object/ConvertToObject "Convert to &Object\aShift+Ctrl+B"
- /Object/CreateSubpicture "Create &Subpicture\aAlt+Ctrl+B"
- /Object/LinkTo "&Link To...\aCtrl+L"
- /Object/DropShadow "&Drop Shadow...\aShift+Ctrl+O"
- /Object/Arrange "Arran&ge"
- /Object/Arrange/BringToFront "&Bring to Front\aShift+Ctrl+]"
- /Object/Arrange/BringForward "Bring &Forward\aCtrl+]"
- /Object/Arrange/SendBackward "&Send Backward\aCtrl+["
- /Object/Arrange/SendToBack "Send to Bac&k\aShift+Ctrl+["
- /Object/Align "&Align"
- /Object/Align/Left "&Left"
- /Object/Align/Center "&Center"
- /Object/Align/Right "&Right"
- /Object/Align/Top "&Top"
- /Object/Align/Middle "&Middle"
- /Object/Align/Bottom "&Bottom"
- /Object/Align/RelativeToSafe "Relative to &Safe Areas"
- /Object/Distribute "Distri&bute"
- /Object/Distribute/Vertically "&Vertically"
- /Object/Distribute/Horizontally "&Horizontally"
- /Object/Distribute/RelativeToSafe "Relative to &Safe Areas"
- /Menu "&Menu"
- /Menu/NewMenu "&New Menu\aCtrl+M"
- /Menu/SetEndAction "Set &End Action..."
- /Menu/EditInPS "Edit in &Photoshop\aShift+Ctrl+M"
- /Timeline "&Timeline"
- /Timeline/Create "&New Timeline\aCtrl+T"
- /Timeline/BringIntoView "&Bring Tracks Into View\aAlt+Ctrl+T"
- /Timeline/AudioTrack "Add &Audio Track"
- /Timeline/SubTrack "Add &Subtitle Track"
- /Timeline/AudioTrackRemove "&Remove Audio Track"
- /Timeline/SubTitleTrackRemove "R&emove Subtitle Track"
- /Timeline/AddChapterPoint "Add &Chapter Point\aCtrl+F1"
- /Timeline/SetPoster "Set P&oster Frame\aShift+Ctrl+F1"
- /Timeline/ImportSubtitle "&Import Subtitles"
- /Timeline/ImportSubtitle/TextScript "&Text Script..."
- /Timeline/ImportSubtitle/CapIncScript "&Captions Inc. Script..."
- /Timeline/ImportSubtitle/FABScript "&FAB Images Script..."
- /Timeline/SaveFrame "Save &Frame as File...\aShift+Ctrl+F"
- /Timeline/Preview "&Play Timeline\aCtrl+Space"
- /View "&View"
- /View/ZoomIn "Zoom &In\aCtrl++"
- /View/ZoomOut "Zoom &Out\aCtrl+-"
- /View/FitInWindow "&Fit In Window\aCtrl+0"
- /View/ActualSize "&Actual Size\aCtrl+1"
- /View/ShowMenuImage "Show &Menu Image\aCtrl+2"
- /View/ShowNormalSubpicture "Show &Normal Subpicture\aCtrl+3"
- /View/ShowSelectedSubpicture "Show &Selected Subpicture\aCtrl+4"
- /View/ShowActivatedSubpicture "Show A&ctivated Subpicture\aCtrl+5"
- /View/ShowSafeMargins "Sho&w Safe Area\aCtrl+6"
- /View/ShowRouting "Show &Button Routing\aCtrl+7"
- /Window "&Window"
- /Window/Tools "T&ools"
- /Window/Inspector "&Properties\aF5"
- /Window/Character "&Character\aF6"
- /Window/Layers "&Layers\aF7"
- /Window/Library "Li&brary\aF8"
- /Window/Monitor "Mo&nitor\aShift+Ctrl+Space"
- /Window/Project "Pro&ject\aF9"
- /Window/Menus "&Menus\aF10"
- /Window/Timelines "&Timelines\aF11"
- /Window/Disc "&Disc\aF12"
- /Window/ResetPalette "&Reset Palette Locations"
- /Help "&Help"
- /Help/Help "Adobe Encore &Help\aF1"
- /Help/About "&About Adobe Encore"
- /Help/SysInfo "&System Info..."
- /Help/Support "&Online Support..."
- /Help/Updates "&Updates..."
- /Help/Registration "&Registration..."
- /Help/Online "A&dobe Online..."
- # the following are the prompts for menu items.
- /Prompt/File/New "Create a new document\nNew"
- /Prompt/DocFile/AddDVDROMContent "Adds file to DVD-ROM Content\nAdd DVD-ROM Content"
- /ProjWinCtx/Rename "Rename"
- /ProjWinCtx/RevealInProject "Reveal In Project"
- /ProjWinCtx/RevealInShell "Reveal In Explorer"
- /ProjWinCtx/OpenAsset "Open"
- # Timeline window clip context menu
- /TLClipCtx/Cut "Cut\aCtrl+X"
- /TLClipCtx/Copy "Copy\aCtrl+C"
- /TLClipCtx/Paste "Paste\aCtrl+V"
- /TLClipCtx/Delete "Clear\aDel"
- /TLClipCtx/NoRipple "Delete without Ripple"
- # Timeline window chapter point context menu
- /TLChapterCtx/Add "Add Chapter Point"
- /TLChapterCtx/Poster "Set Poster Frame"
- /TLChapterCtx/Delete "Delete Chapter Point"
- # Preview from here item in a bunch of contextual menus.
- /Contextual/PreviewFromHere "Preview from Here"